Catching up...
Yeah, so it's been a busy week at work. I've now driven a total of four times in Australia. The first was the white-knuckled trip from the airport to the hotel on my FIRST trip out here, and the second was a slightly-less white-knuckled trip from the hotel to airport on my SECOND trip out here.
My third and fourth ventures were work-related; I had to drive out to a co-workers house in the suburbs, and meet up with them for another trip down to Canberra. They trusted me to get there - but then insisted on doing all the driving to and from Canberra (in MY rental car - but I can't say that I blame them). Once we returned from Canberra, I was allowed to drive my rental car back to the hotel that evening - oh, goody.
I did do a little walking around the city this week. I spent some time walking around the Darling Harbor area, and snapped a few photos.

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